3 C H O I C E S T O E M P O W E R Y O U R L I F E
You are worthy. You have what it takes. You got this.
These sentiments are powerful all on their own, but when they are applied to your life with intentional action, anything becomes possible.
We have a choice with how we approach all things in life.
These 3 choices are the first steps to walking a path of empowerment and purpose.
Choice 1 - Mindset
Ask yourself if you are currently living the lie that you are somehow undeserving of what you dream of most.
Don’t answer too quickly, really listen to your inner dialogue.
Do you make excuses to not do things that you know are good for you?
Do you compare yourself to other people?
Do you allow other people’s opinions to take root in your self worth?
Do you hold on to mistakes you’ve made in the past for fear of repeating them?
Your worth and self value are sneaky little feelings. They hide in the shadows under our excuses and unmaintained boundaries just waiting for our doubts and fears to show up, and then they pounce! The words of so many internal and external dialogues replay in our minds and before we know it, we have talked ourselves out of whatever amazing thing we were about to learn, or do, or dream.
Let go of the narrative that anything else other than the very beating of your heart is needed to feel and KNOW that you are worthy of all that you dream and all that is possible.
Let’s transition that mindset into one of empowerment and celebration.
Choice 2 - Commitment
We can all list a million reasons why there isn’t enough time to do all of the things we’d like to, but we also have to realize that this too is a choice.
Commitment to your self isn’t easy. We all live in a world where we are asked to do and be more things than we can possibly fit into a single day. We are stretched for time and we are drained of energy.
There isn’t going to be a magic situation where you all of a sudden have the time to do all the things. You have to actively and intentionally make the time. You have to choose it and then keep choosing it.
That is the secret sauce.
That is the mystery to getting it all done. Choosing it instead of something else. I know, that’s probably not what you were hoping I would say, but there is power in intentional purpose.
Think of what you most want in your life, make a plan, and don’t let yourself down.
Choice 3 - Quality
Like with most things in life, you get out what you put in. The quality of what you allow into your life matters.
Choosing things and people that support you and lift you higher will create a more loving and healthy environment for you to thrive.
You are worthy of a life surrounded by quality - quality time, quality relationships, quality products, and quality food.
It’s important to know that not all things are created equal. There are many reasons to choose the fastest, the easiest, or the cheapest, but friends, when you look at your life, is that really what you want to see and feel?
Do your research and understand why quality in a relationship, in a product, and in your food matters.
You are empowering yourself every time you choose quality.
Not sure where to go from here?
Lucky for you, I have created a lifestyle that effortlessly and seamlessly incorporates daily empowerment, wellness, self love practices, and so much more.
Click the button and join my community of supportive women all living intentionally empowered lives.
We are not on this journey alone. Let’s lift each other up, let’s cheer ea ch other on, let’s hold each other accountable, and let’s remind each other that we are capable of great things.