3 F A V O R I T E Y O U N G L I V I N G D I Y S
Until Young Living can make all the things in all the land, there are a few things I like to DIY.
My requirements for a DIY are simple: it can be made in less than 5 minutes and with less than 5 ingredients.
Dry Shampoo
Busy mamas and lazy girls UNITE! This is a simple dry shampoo recipe that makes a ton and does a killer job of keeping your hair looking, feeling, and smelling oh so clean!
1 cup arrowroot powder or cornstarch
2-3 tablespoons of cocoa powder (for brunettes only)
5 drops rosemary essential oil
5 drops lavender essential oil
1 jar or shaker
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
Add to a jar or shaker.
Shake or sprinkle onto hair when needed. Gently rub to incorporate into hair.
Hand Soap
Young Living makes some amazing smelling hand soap, but I love creating my own scents with my favorite oils.
2-4 tablespoons Dr. Bronners unscented Castile Soap
4-6 drops essential oils
Foaming hand soap containers
Add the soap to the bottom of the containerAdd essential oils of choice.
Slowly fill to the top (leaving space for the pump).
Gently shake.
Soft Scrub
Use this pretty much to clean all things: pots and pans, sinks, toilet tile, all the things! It smells amazing and wont leave your hands feeling dry and gross like its grocery store counterpart.
1 cup baking soda
2 capfuls of Thieves Household Cleaner
1 tablespoon of Thieves dish soap (optional, but gives it a smoother consistency)
4-5 drops Citrus Fresh essential oil blend (optional, it makes it smell like a dream)
1 jar
Combine with a fork until it reaches a crumbly consistency (if using the dish soap, it will be much smoother like the original soft scrub). Store in jar.