
Welcome, to my happy home.

I believe that home isn’t just a place you live but a place that lives in your heart. I believe in surrounding yourself with the things that bring you joy. I believe that loving your home is one way to express how you love your life.

When you look around your home I hope you see and feel your own love reflecting back to you.

I love creating an atmosphere in my home that draws on as many of the 5 senses as possible.

I try and always have music, that brings my heart joy, playing in the background of my home. I feel less need to turn the television on when there is music filling the rooms, and because of this I am able to stay present and focused on the life and love that is happening all around me.

Click below to listen to some of my favorites to have playing in my Happy Home.

Having a welcoming scent that fills my home is one of my favorite things. Scent is one of the strongest things that links to memory. Is there anything better than taking a deep breath and experiencing the feeling of home?
I have a deep passion for clean living, and because of this, I am very careful about the products I use in my home. To create my homes scent, I use Young Living’s essential oils.

Here is my favorite easy and welcoming diffuser blend that I use to create my a Happy Home:


Welcome Home Diffuser Blend

1-2 drops peppermint

4 drops lemon

4 drops citrus fresh

This diffuser blend is bright, calming, and welcoming. I love the mixture of citrus and floral filling my home.


To me, displaying photos all around my home is the happiest way to decorate. In the age of digital everything, displaying photos makes my heart oh so happy.

I like to think of photos as the breadcrumbs of our past leading us back to where we have been and reminding us to take those special moments with us as we walk forward.

I love to take an ordinary space and an ordinary task and make it special. 

 I uses doing a simple, everyday activity like doing the dishes as an opportunity to pray, sing, listen to a podcast or ebook, or talk to someone I love.

Using things like a cake stand or marble tray to display necessary items likes soaps makes the entire room feel a bit more happy.

more Happy Home coming soon