Growing love and kindness in the world is the cornerstone of The Love Letter Library.
Your heart grown exponentially by the love that you give to the world around you. We each hold the power to change the world and it is far more simple than you might think. Taking the time to extend a bit of kindness to those around you has the potential to change a person’s day and maybe even their life.
Choose kindness, one act at a time.
Random Acts of Kindness
It is no mystery that love and kindness is totally my jam around here. I am a firm believer in practicing what I want to see and feel in the world. If I want the world to be filled with more love, then I do my best to create more love in the world. It is that simple.
Challenge yourself to be more aware of how you interact with others as you walk through life. Choose kindness and love as often as you can. As a way to inspire you to be more proactive with your love, I have put together a list of some of my favorite Random Acts of Love.
Random Acts of Love:
Offer a genuine compliment to someone
Purchase a coffee for the person behind you at a coffee shop
Give encouraging words to someone doing something brave
Call a friend, your parents, your grandparents, or anyone else just to check in on them
Do the dishes
Take out the trash
Tape money to the vending machine in a hospital waiting room
Leave an anonymous love letter for someone to find
Visit an animal shelter and spend time with the animals
Donate toys to an animal shelter
Donate clothes you aren't using any more
Surprise someone you love with flowers and/or a treat
Pay for someones dessert at a restaurant
Water a neighbors lawn or flowers
Handout cold bottles of water the park on a hot day
Leave a treat for your mail carrier
Practice gratitude by saying thank you
Take a meal or treat to an elderly neighbor
Weekly Kindness Challenge
Join me in the weekly kindness challenge.
I will be sharing a single random acts of kindness for you to commit to doing with me each week.
Every Tuesday, I will post on Facebook and Instagram what each week’s random act of kindness will be.
Give me a follow and let’s make the world a better place, one kind act at a time.
(Don’t use social media? No problem. Sign-up for The Saturday Love Letter Series (through our love-filled newsletter - below). I include each week’s Kindness Challenge in this email.)