Constellation Club


Welcome to the first ever love letter database. Browse through hundreds of love letters. Fill your heart with words of love. 

Constellations are made up of a cluster of stars that are bound together by the patterns they create. Seemingly unrelated bursts of infinity linked together forming something incandescently and indescribably beautiful and significant. The idea that we as humans are also all linked together by the patterns that we create in much the same way as the stars is where the concept for the Constellation Club came from. It is a collection of love letters written by people who have never met bound together by the sharing of their stories and their experiences.            We are all connected. 

How To Join


1) For a limited time, this database is free. In order to join, all you have to do is submit a love letter from your heart to the world. You can find the form for this, below. This database is a collection of people's hearts and experiences. Every person who reads these letters, has submitted one of their own. Heart to heart and pen to paper, we are all connected.

2) Within 48 hours, we will send you a password and link to enter the database. 

3) That's it! You're in and we are so happy and grateful you are here. 


Fill-out the form linked above to write your own love letter and join the Constellation Club. 

Follow the link above for inspiration when composing your love letter. 

Have you already submitted your love letter? Log-in below. 

If you feel compelled to share something with the world, to be a part of something that will let your words of love be heard and read, or to simply connect with the heart of another, then this is the journal for you. The Constellation Journal is a collection of love letters bound together by happenstance.  

The Constellation Journal is a way to cultivate radical connection through the sharing of love. This club is composed of the love letters written by people who have chosen to share their hearts with the world and connect with others on a deeper level.

Once you have ordered your Constellation Journal an email will be delivered to you containing all directions needed for you to compose your love letter. After sending your love letter back to The Love Letter Library, we will then organize and collect the love letters that will be a part of your books edition and send you the finished product, a paperback book of love letters (including your own). A constellation of people whose path might never have crossed had it not been for their shared desire to ignite a greater love in the world.