4 ways to create everyday happiness


Happiness is all around and at every turn. Sometimes we are so busy doing all the things that we forget to notice it.

These are my top 4 ways to create everyday happinesss as often as possible.

1) Set happiness reminders. Once the day gets going, it is so easy to lose track of time. Before you know it, you blink and the day is gone. I love setting alarms to remind myself to do all of the important things like, change the laundry, leave to go to the doctor, begin prepping for dinner. However, setting alarms to remind myself to look up from the to-dos of the day, are the most important alarms I set.

Grab your phone and schedule as many alarms as you want to remind yourself to stop and notice the happy, the love, the goodness that is all around you. I label mine as something simple like, “Happiness is happening“ or “Look up and love“ etc. It doesn’t really matter what you label them as long as you know that when it goes off, it is time to stop and notice the love!

2) Meal prep. This may sound like an obvious thing, but meal prepping for the week has totally changed the amount of time I have to spend in the kitchen and this makes me oh so happy! Cooking isn’t my favorite, so the least amount of time I have to spend in the kitchen the better. I chop and wash all of my fruits and veggies at the beginning of the week. I also try and have a big pot of beans (made in the infamous Bean Machine, ha) and some rice already made. These make easy staples to add to meals as we go about the week. Do you meal prep each week?

3) Have a wellness routine. This time of year keeping everyone healthy can be a major task. I try very hard to build wellness habits into our everyday activities.

4) Celebrate the little things. Take time to build in celebrations throughout your day/week/month. The big holidays are easy to lean on as enough celebrations, but I find it so much fun to integrate your own celebrations as well. Around here, we love to do charcuterie nights for dinner, no matter what it is, it gets served on a charcuterie board. It’s especially fun on spaghetti night! Friday Night Dance Parties are also such a fun way to fill the house with laughter and excitement. By building in tiny special moments like these, you are reminding yourself that life is reason enough to celebrate.