Productivity Weekend

We are quickly approaching the end of the month and if you are like me, you still have items on your to-do list from this month…or last month…or the month before. HA

Procrastination is in my nature, so I am constantly looking for fun and interesting ways to hack my lazy. It was from complete laziness and procrastination that my idea for Productivity Weekend was born.

Productivity Weekend is celebrated (yep, celebrated just like a holiday!) on the last weekend of every month and it is a time to take some major action on that to-do list.

How Productivity Weekend Works:

  • Start now by making a to-do list of all the things that you didn't get done this month. TIP - put the things that will take 10 minutes or less at the top of this list and the longer timeframe items at the bottom.

  • Use Saturday and Sunday to be PRODUCTIVE and tackle as much on your list as you can. 

  • On Sunday evening as you are admiring all of the items that you have crossed off of your list, CELEBRATE! Order food in, make yourself a nice dinner, drink a glass of wine, put on your favorite slippers and jams and watch your favorite show, have yourself a dance party. Do whatever it is that brings your heart joy and celebrate the heck out of how productive you were!

Here is my Productivity Weekend to-do list:


Most of these things I was able to get crossed off of my list in less than 2 hours.

And yes, I was driving around since July with an expired license. oops.

I am very conscious of the products I bring into my home, and I have very high standards for what I allow around my sweet boy, Ever. I know that what I clean his toys in will eventually end up in his mouth, so there is no question that it needs to be toxin-free.

Thieves Household cleaner meets all of standards and as a bonus it smells like Christmas morning. Click blow to join for Young Living with me. I’d love to have you be a part of this community. 

Productivity Weekend has cleared my mind of things I was “going to get to“ for so long. Hack the lazy, my friends it is totally worth it!

I’m thinking that this is going to be a last weekend of the month tradition.

What are some fun ways that you hack your lazy?

Memorial Trees + Moments LikeThese

A dear friend of mine recently sent me this image of her daughter, Lana with a love letter while on their family vacation to New York City. During their stay they dropped many love letters, but one in particular made quite an impact.

As they walked through the World Trade Center's Museum and Memorial looking at pictures and talking about the events that had taken place there many years before, Lana asked if she could leave a love letter there. 

When my friend, Melissa text me explaining that Lana had chosen to leave her letter at the Memorial Tree at the World Trade Center, my entire being was filled with gratitude. My eyes filled with tears and goosebumps covered my body. In a situation where most feel helpless and hopeless at the knowledge of hate of this magnitude, this young girl made a choice to grow love. She found a place in this world that had been completely destroyed by hate and she planted a seed of love. 

Her love letter is now housed in the museum along side the other artifacts that have been left and will be left for many years to come. 

We could all take a moment to learn from these tiny hands.

In place of hate, grow love. 

In place of greed, grow generosity.

In place of discontent, grow gratitude. 

Thank you, to this beautiful family for taking my simple idea and turning it into the very best thing I have ever been lucky enough to be a part of. 

Join us by purchasing your own set of Love Letters For Littles 

The Saturday Love Letter Series

If you follow us on Instagram, then you have probably heard about the new addition to our newsletter, The Saturday Love Letter Series. Every Saturday we write and send a love letter directly to your inbox. It includes a square image to share on social media, if you are moved to do so as well as a love letter written from our hearts to yours. 

Here is a sample from our first Saturday Love Letter Series:



Join us by signing up for our newsletter and enjoy a little regular Saturday morning delight! 

Love Letter Happenings Lately

Creating a community of people who not only love love, but love sharing that love with the world is something that has been screaming from my heart for some time now. I have dreams of this website being a hub for people to come and draw inspiration as well as feel that they are a beacon of inspiration for others. I dream that those people will at some point gather in person and share their hearts and bear their souls in an effort grow love. Ah, you guys I have such big plans. I have such BIG plans. And yet, I am continually reminded and humbled that I am one girl with two hands that can only create so quickly. But, my heart, my heart is always stretching and reaching and growing and longing for the dreams that are yet to be. 

Until then, I am here, with my wide open heart sharing and creating as much as I can just as fast as I can. I have made it a goal of mine to blog more regularly in a effort to feed the content of this website and cultivate the community I have been longing for. So if you are here loving with me, there is not enough thank you's in the world to express my gratitude for you. 

Here are a few images and words describing the happenings around here lately:

I made my first in-person appearance as The Love Letter Library and it was nothing short of magic! If you live in the San Antonio area, I will now be set-up every second Sunday of the month at BRICK Market at Blue Star Arts Complex.


Creating new products and seeing your positive reactions and feedback is just the best, my friends, just the best. 


I hope that your day is filled with nothing but...