Kindness Corner


Be what you want to see.

I believe in intentionally and purposefully stepping forward as everything that you want to see in the world.

I want to see more good. I want to see more love. I want to see more kindness.

That is why I created the Kindness Corner, a central location in my home that houses all of the things that I need to create Everyday Love in the world.

The beginning of each month is a great time to begin to get your Kindness Corner ready. All you need is a basket, drawer, cabinet, or space that is designated to all things love!

Here’s how to do it:
1) next time you’re at the store, grab a few extra things that would work as fun and easy gifts. I love to collect Boom Chicka Pop popcorn, chocolates, and different kinds of trail mix.

2) print and cut out the gift tags and cards from your Everyday Love Magazine and have them ready to attach to a gift anytime. (Subscribe to the Everyday Love magazine HERE, so you don’t miss any of these amazing printables.)

3) the next time you need to give a thank you gift, a hostess gift, a celebration gift, a just-because gift, reach in your Kindness Corner for something you already have prepared and GIVE!

BONUS - I love to add ribbon to gifts, so keep some of your favorites in your Kindness Corner as well!

There is no limit to the amount our heart has to give. Make it easy for yourself by setting up a Kindness Corner in your home.

PS - The Everyday Love magazine is the perfect way to intentionally be what you want to see. It is filled to the brim with ways to help you love your heart, love your life, love your world. Click HERE to subscribe today and let’s change the world one kind act at a time.